Hygiene - Decrease the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Keeping Your Community Safe – Practising Good Hygiene to Decrease the Spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

In light of the continued exponential spread of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), it is imperative that local communities practise meticulous hygiene. Sanitiation within  the work place, at home and in public areas is the vital key to minimizing your risk of infection.

There are three principle ways the virus can be transmitted. Firstly, through close and prolonged contact amongst people who have contracted the virus.  Secondly, through droplet infection whereby infectious mucous membranes can be easily transferred to others by means of coughing, spitting and sneezing. Lastly, by physical touch and more significantly, the hands. This is how infectious droplets can reach the mouth, nose and eyes after direct physical contact with infected persons. Here are a few straightforward tips you can adopt to maintain your hygiene and decrease risk of infection in your community.


Keeping your work place safe;

General Hygiene

  • Minimal/no handshaking – use other non-contact methods of greeting
  • Sanitise hands on arrival at work place, and schedule regular handwashing reminders for – employees throughout the day
  • Disinfect communal spaces and surfaces such as doorknobs, desks, tables, handrails and technologies regularly
  • Increase ventilation by opening windows and adjusting air-conditioning


Meetings and Transportation

  • Limit face-to-face meetings and utilise virtual video-conferencing where possible
  • Where not possible, schedule meetings in well-ventilated areas
  • Consider adjusting and/or postponing large meetings and gatherings
  • Assess risk of local and international business travel
  • Practise vigilant hygiene methods when traveling with public transportation


Eating and Communal Facilities

  • Wash your hands before and after preparing, cooking and consuming foods
  • Limit food sharing and open buffet displays
  • Implement health screening of cafeteria and cleaning staff and their close contacts
  • Ensure clients, employees and cafeteria staff practise strict hygiene at all times

Keeping your school community safe;

General hygiene

  • Minimal/no handshaking – use other non-contact methods of greeting
  • Sanitise hands on arrival at school. Additionally, schedule regular hand-washing reminders for teachers, students and ground staff regularly
  • Regularly disinfect communal spaces and surfaces such as doorknobs, desks, tables, handrails and technologies
  • Increase ventilation by opening windows and adjusting air-conditioning


Extra-curricular activities and large gatherings

  • Consider rearranging large sporting and educational activities and gatherings
  • Limit the socialisation of unnecessary groups, grades and classes
  • Adjust after-school arrangements and extra-curricular activities
  • In addition, where possible, hold classes outdoors or in well-ventilated spaces


Eating and Communal Areas

  • Limit food sharing
  • Encourage home-packed lunchboxes
  • Regular sanitation before, during and after the consumption of foods
  • Strengthen health screening for tuckshop and dining hall staff
  • Ensure all students, staff and teachers practise strict hygiene at all times


Keeping your home space safe;

General hygiene in your households

  • Clean hands on arrival and at regular internals
  • Create habits to avoid touching face and cover coughs and sneezes
  • Disinfect all household surfaces and appliances
  • Encourage regular hygiene practise for pets, as well as their toys, food bowls and sleeping linen
  • Increase ventilation throughout the house by opening windows and adjusting air conditioning


Households with vulnerable seniors or those with significant underlying conditions

(Significant underlying conditions include heart, lung and kidney disease, diabetes and conditions that suppress the immune system).

  • Have healthy members of household conduct significant and assessment
  • Entire household should practise strict, consistent hygiene practises and sanitisation
  • Wash hands frequently before interacting with vulnerable members of the household
  • In addition, provide a protected area for vulnerable household members


Handle food with care

  • Wash your hands before and after preparing, cooking and consuming foods
  • Sanitise your counters, fridges, kitchen appliances and household crockery and cutlery
  • Regularly disinfect rubbish bins


Household with sick family members

  • Give sick members their own, isolated space if possible. (Keep door closed)
  • Have only one family member attend to their needs
  • Consider providing additional protection or more intensive care with worsening symptoms
  • Every household member to regularly monitor own vitals
  • Sick members to avoid public contact and should self-isolate

Please take a look at our cleaning equipment, chemicals and consumables. Lets keep our community safe.

For more information and acurate, reliable updates regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, please visit https://www.bbc.com/news