Whether you are a young bachelor starting his first job, a mother of five kiddies or a retired hubby traveling the country, each and every one of us knows all too well how difficult it can be to keep your car clean and tidy. Here are ten simple tips to help you maintain a clean
All too often, busy work schedules, family timetables and weekend activities distract us from the not-so-glamorous essential home responsibilities we should be conducting on a regular basis. We get it – house cleaning is terrible even on a good day. Why fill up your day with tedious chores when there are a million and one
Germs are everywhere. They are in the air, on plants and animals, and on just about every object or surface we touch, including the human body. In fact, they’re even on you right now, and on the screen off of which you are reading this article. Today we consider the kitchen, and all the microorganisms
As we continue to navigate the impact and influence the Corona Virus pandemic has had on our South African community, it is imperative that local communities continue to practice meticulous cleaning methods and management. Reopening South Africa requires that we advance cautiously together by practicing social distancing and other daily habits to reduce our risk
There are often a lot of questions and queries surrounding the processes of cleaning and disinfection; which products to use, how often it needs to be done, what areas require disinfection and the proper methods for disinfecting. To begin however, it is important to understand the differences between these two processes. According to the USDA