Cleaning your Bathroom: 6 how-to tips | Chemstrat Blog

home cleaning

Since each and every person relies on their bathroom to keep their bodies clean, its fair to say it should be the cleanest room in your house. Due to water, steam and added grime, this space can quickly become a breading ground for bacteria, fungus and unwanted odors. As such, cleaning your bathroom is potentially one of the most fundamental chores in your household.
It is suggested that to prevent mildew, plague and other build-up, it is best to deep clean your bathroom each week. With this said however, it can become time-consuming and tedious to frequently give your bathroom a deep clean. As such, we have suggested a few tips and tricks you can implement on a daily basis. In this way, you can deep clean this space less frequently.

Dust and Sweep Regularly

The floor is the most obvious place for debris build-up in your bathroom. Water droplets and steam can trap down dirt and dust. Keep a handheld vacuum in the bathroom for a daily pickup of dust and skin particles, strands of hair and other unwanted specks and fragments. In addition, when cleaning your bathroom remember to regularly sweep away the remainder of dust and dirt from under your counters and from the corners.

Frequently Clean your Vanity Area

When cleaning your bathroom on a daily basis, it is recommended that you frequently clean down the areas that you use the most. For example, your sink and the surfaces surrounding it. Your toilet seat, and your shower door. These simple chores can be completed while you are finishing up your daily routines. For example, while brushing your teeth, you can wipe your sink free of dust and toothpaste marks. After showering, you can wipe down your doors and walls of water that, when left to accumulate becomes hard-to-clean soap scum. In addition, this will slow the development of tile grout on your floors.

Remove Damp, or Wet Items

We are all guilty of leaving our wet or damp towels, face cloths, and dirty laundry sitting in the bathroom for days on end. This creates the perfect, moist environment for the growth of unwanted germs and bacteria. Make an effort to ensure you regularly dry all the items in your bathroom. In addition to this, it is recommended to install an extractor fan and/or heated towel racks if you don’t have proper ventilation.

Mop the Floor Weekly

When cleaning your bathroom, it is important that you clean down your floor atleast once a week. Firstly, remove all items from the floor; carpets, rubbish bins, shoes, drawers and washing baskets. Submerge your mop in a hot water and cleaning detergent solution, squeeze our excess water and then clean down the floor. Do this a couple times so as to discard the dirt into the bucket instead of moving it around on the floor. Allow the floor to dry before returning all the rugs and other items to the floor. It is important to remember to have cleaning equipment for your bathroom that is separate from the rest of the house. This is because the bathroom is one of the biggest breeding grounds for unwanted germs and bacteria. Therefore, using the same equipment broadens the risk of spreading these germs.

Apply Cleaner to Shower and Bathtubs

First and foremost, you need to apply an appropriate cleaner to your bath and shower surfaces. Preferably an acid or alcohol-based cleaner in order to eradicate unwanted grime and bacteria. Especially if you have a serious build-up of soap scum in these areas. Don’t forget the shower track, the corners of your bath, and the inside of the shower door when applicable. Let the cleaner stand for a while so it can do the heavy-lifting for you, and loosen all the dirt. From here you can easily wipe down the surfaces. You may need to use a little elbow grease and do some scrubbing it if has been left for too long. Ensure you wipe down the surfaces properly, so as to remove all cleaner. Dry the surfaces properly hereafter for a clean, fresh look and feel.

Remove all Items from their Usual Spots

For the best results when conducting a deep clean, remove all items from their usual spots around your bathroom. Remove all your items from the shelves and cabinets, the carpets from the floors and your toiletries from the shower rack and bath’s edge. This way you have an empty shell that you can efficiently clean down with a little bit of elbow grease and the right cleaning detergents.

In conclusion, cleaning your bathroom does not have to be a tedious and time-consuming task. If you tackle smaller tasks each day, you will find yourself with less work at the end of the week – and a clean, hygienic bathroom space. For more information regarding which chemicals are the right ones for your bathroom space, please feel free to contact us today!