For most individuals – whether a working Batchelor, student or part of a big family – the garage is often that dreaded place in the house overflowing with every object under the sun. So, while having a place to dump your miscellaneous gear can be convenient, it can often become a disorganised mess. So, if
Mopping is the best way to clean hard floors, but it’s important to make sure you are removing germs, and not just spreading them. Whether you are cleaning your family home, or maintaining a commercial office, its important to understand the right ways to treat floor cleaning. Although mopping may seem like a simple task,
As one can imagine, due to the high number of people passing through a workplace, the office is one of the largest centers of infection transmission. Contagious infections, bacteria and germs are often passed from person to person through direct and indirect contact. For example, by the regular use of various surfaces and objects by
There is no better time to adopt routine cleaning tactics than right now during the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Majority of us are still working remotely from home. So, even though working from bed during these colder months does found enticing, it is important to have a hygienic and organised working space to be productive in.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been tricky to navigate worldwide. As we begin to slowly return to our so-called normal routines many of our companies are requesting that we return to the office. Not only are cold and flu germs even more predominant during these colder winter months, but we are also still at risk of
Whether you are a young bachelor starting his first job, a mother of five kiddies or a retired hubby traveling the country, each and every one of us knows all too well how difficult it can be to keep your car clean and tidy. Here are ten simple tips to help you maintain a clean
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, nitty gritty household chores and responsibilities are oft times forgotten. Regularly cleaning your carpets for example, becomes a back-of-the-mind, end-of-your-list concern amidst your long work hours, extracurriculars and social activities. Let’s face it, sometimes at the end of a busy day when you have to choose between
If you are part of a big corporate company with a large office space housing all its employees, it is more than likely that the establishment hires an external professional cleaning service to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the public and communal spaces. With this said however, it is important that you still maintain
All too often, busy work schedules, family timetables and weekend activities distract us from the not-so-glamorous essential home responsibilities we should be conducting on a regular basis. We get it – house cleaning is terrible even on a good day. Why fill up your day with tedious chores when there are a million and one
How can one expect to have a sparkling clean house, office spare or public area if your cleaning supplies and tools are dirty? You can have a trained workforce and all the right products, but without maintaining the cleanliness and effectiveness of your equipment, your hygiene and sanitation regime is set for failure from the