Office Spaces: 5 tips for keeping yours clean and safe - Chemstrat

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If you are part of a big corporate company with a large office space housing all its employees, it is more than likely that the establishment hires an external professional cleaning service to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the public and communal spaces. With this said however, it is important that you still maintain good hygiene and cleanliness in and around your own personal office space. Whether it be a cubicle, shared desk space or closed off office, you want to ensure you take responsibility for your own hygiene and safety. Here are 5 tips you can utilize to maintain a clean and space working space for yourself and your co-workers.

Set up a cleaning schedule

Set aside a regular day and time for your routine office cleaning. Scheduling helps remind you to take responsibility of cleaning your space, amongst your other important tasks. The important aspect of a schedule is to ensure it fits in with your current routine and responsibility. Although it is fundamental that you keep your office space clean, if you are setting yourself an unrealistic schedule you are likely to neglect the task. Therefore, set a routine for one a week, or every two weeks – something that works for you. This date should be dependent on how often the office gets dirty and messy.

Use a Disinfectant Cleaner

Making use of a good disinfectant ensures all germs and bacteria are removed from your surrounding surfaces, electronics and appliances. Here at Chemstrat, we have a variety of different disinfectant cleaners that you can make use of. In addition to disinfecting your office space, ensure you regularly wash and sanitse your hands to prevent cross-contamination when traveling through and around the office.

Eat Away From Your Desk

When work gets busy and stressful, it is easy to begin snacking at your desk. However, as continent as it may be eating from your desk or office space, rather take your lunch break as an opportunity to stretch, move around and break away from your work responsibilities for a moment. Food particles and moisture attract unwanted germs and bacteria, and can also increase chances of cross-contamination.

Remove Clutter

Everyone has those days or weeks when ‘things’ begin to accumulate in that one corner of your desk or office space. But everyone knows that a clean work space provides for a clean head space. There are many simple ways that you can declutter your work space. As you clean, begin to remove clutter to make the cleaning process easier. Not only does decluttering remove unnecessary distractions, it also eliminates additional nooks and crannies for dust bunnies, germs and bacteria’s to grow. Cleaning is naturally easier with fewer objects lying around.

Ensure here is Sufficient Airflow

Air quality is often something we take for granted. Especially during colder seasons when we are prone to keeping windows and doors closed for warmth. What we don’t realise is that poor air quality does not only increase your chances of infection and disease through airborne germs, but that it also increases fatigue and exhaustion. Both these risks can negatively influence motivation and productivity. If you are able to do so, open a window in your office or ensure the air-conditioning is working optimally. In addition to this, make a point of getting some fresh air during your lunch break. Fresh and clean air is fundamental to your well being.